Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: September 26, 2010 Length of Class: 43 Minutes Tracks Web Publishing Prerequisites None Purpose of Class This class introduces students to the basic concepts of Web Publishing Topics Covered Web Publishing vs. Web Design Content Management Systems Copyright Monitization Class Notes Introduction This is a real business! Web Publishing vs. Web Design Web Design requires skills in web programming (HTML, PHP) Web Publishing does not require web programming skills Content Management Systems Are Web Based pieces of software that run a Web Publishing site (WordPress, Drupal, Subhub) Copyright You are allowed "fair use" of other people material. Only take what you NEED to make a point. Always attribute the work. Always add value to what you copied. Monitization AdSense -- is very easy to setup. You get paid for every time an ad i clicked (CPC) CPM means you get paid a certain amount for every 1000 times an ad is viewed Commission -- means you get paid a percent of what a visitor buys. This is usually a losing proposition Membership Site -- you can charge for access to your material Sponsors -- companies may sponsor your site if you target their demographics Resources WordPress Drupal Joomla SubHub AdSense